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Online Reviews

Online Reviews - yes, please!

It only takes one minute for you to make a big difference

Click HERE to write a review

We are what is considered a "small business" and we really do need reviews written by customers just like you.  So if you will take just a moment to say a few quick words about your experience with us it would really mean a lot to those 95 percent of potential customers who read online reviews before making a choice...they really want to hear from you, as a recent customer. 


The four most frequent online review sites where people find us (ranked in order of importance) are linked below.  If you would take just a few moments to let the world know what you thought of the quality of our service to you, I would very much appreciate it.  We take great pride in our five-star status but that only comes with your generous writing of a quick review.

Not everyone can take the time to write a formal review of our services...many times clients just send us comments and compliments in the voice, text messages, e-mails, and sometimes even by paper mail!  We accept and appreciate them all, and here are a few that have come to us over the years.  If you would like to read compliments and reviews that were sent to us directly over the years, you can find dozens of them simply by clicking HERE.

Thank you again for your patronage and your assistance and we look forward to reading your review.  Please feel free to contact me directly at if you have any questions regarding the review process or any other matter.

- Brett Brodersen, owner

Click HERE to write a review

1. Yelp (if you only have time to write a review to one site, please try to make it THIS ONE!)

If the button does not link, click on the text:

2. Better Business Bureau

If the button does not link, click on the text:

3. Google Reviews

If the button does not link, click on the text:

4. Facebook

If the button does not link, click on the text:

- Brett Brodersen, owner

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